To discuss your skin concerns
with Sarah call 0161 928 2210


How your skin changes with the menopause

For UK women the average age of the menopause is 51. Many of you will have a good understanding of the ways in which the body is affected by the resulting changes in hormone levels. Hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings are common. I came across a really useful

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Nutrition for Healthy Skin

The start of a new year is a time when many of us try to make lifestyle changes, often involving improvements to our diet. There are clearly numerous benefits to a more healthy, nutritious diet, but of particular interest to me is the significant effect such a diet can have

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A Peek Inside the World’s Only Botox Manufacturing Plant

I was delighted to be invited by Allergan on a 2 day trip to Westport, Mayo, Ireland to have a tour of their manufacturing facility – the one and only place in the world where the original and genuine ‘BOTOX®’ is produced. I was especially honoured to hear that this

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Don’t rely on your moisturiser for sun-protection!

Most skin experts now agree that a good sun cream is the single best anti-ageing product you can have. But are you doing enough to protect your skin? I often hear patients saying that they don’t use a suncream, as their moisturiser or foundation already contains ‘protection’. However, a sun

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