Dermal Fillers / Lip Fillers, at BrightNewMe

Although Botox® can dramatically reduce facial wrinkles, the nature of some skin creases is such that Botox® alone will not eliminate the line completely. In such circumstances, the use of a dermal filler would be indicated, either in conjunction with or instead of Botox®. By adding volume to the skin, dermal fillers literally fill the depressed area to create a smoother, more youthful appearance.

There are many types of dermal fillers available. At BrightNewMe I use Juvéderm® Vycross range by Allergan, which is a gel containing hyaluronic acid – a biodegradable substance which occurs naturally in the skin. The process involves Juvéderm® being injected directly beneath the line or fold to fill the depression in the skin. The effects are immediate, and very impressive.

There are 4 different types of Juvéderm® Vycross fillers such that I can tailor make your treatment to your needs. These dermal fillers can be used in a wide range of areas, from fine lines around the mouth to deeper lines such as the nasolabial lines (the lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth), or the marionette lines (the lines from the mouth to the chin). Juvéderm® Vycross can also be used for re-contouring of the face, for example to restore youthful volume to the cheeks – one particular technique for this effect is the Eight point face lift, detailed here.

The Juvéderm® Vycross range also includes specialist, natural looking lip fillers, used to add volume to the lips, to even out any asymmetry, or to give a more rounded, fuller appearance to the mouth.

The dermal fillers I use can also improve the quality of the skin, using Juvederm Volite which is placed as a series of dots of Hyaluronic Acid across an area of concern. This provides instant hydration and improves the smoothness and elasticity of your skin, for example in the face, neck, décolletage and hands.

As part of my consultation procedure I outline the various options available, and together we decide on what course of treatment will be the most appropriate one for you.

Patient experience

Although we have a dedicated page for general client testimonials, below you will see a selection of comments from patients whom I have treated with dermal fillers.  Click on the extract to see the comments in full.

I visited Sarah for filler to my lips, and I can honestly say I’m thrilled with my results. Sarah was consultative and professional, and I’d happily recommend her.
I first saw Sarah in October, for filler treatment to my upper lip. I’d had treatment elsewhere before, but was not overly happy with the result. To say I’m pleased with my treatment from Sarah would be a huge understatement – I’m absolutely thrilled. I can really tell the difference, but at the same time I know I don’t look odd, or unnatural, which is something Sarah is always keen on. She has a really calming, professional manner which really put me at ease before, during and after my treatment, and this was very important to me. I can’t speak highly enough of her.
Fast approaching 70, I wondered if I could do anything about my increasingly tired and lined looks – or was I too old to even give it a try? The Bright New Me adverts sounded just what I needed – a natural and subtle improvement. I nervously made an appointment, but Sarah’s reassuring and unhurried calm, along with her superb up to date medical knowledge left me quite sure her treatment was for me. Only 2 treatments later,her subtle use of fillers has given me not just a facial lift, but lifted my spirits too! Yes I’m still me, someone’s granny, but a happier, younger looking version, Thank you Sarah.
Dear Sarah I just want to let you know about two lovely and positive occurrences for me within only 7 days of my latest treatment. On Friday I was unexpectedly approached by a girl with whom I worked almost a decade ago but I didn’t immediately recall who she was. She could not get over how I had “˜not changed at all’ in the intervening years and then said she had recognised me immediately. She asked me several times over how I was holding back the years and looking so well. Today I bumped into a friend I had last seen in the early Spring. She stood back and stared at me very long and hard. She then said “˜you always look great, but what make-up are you using these days, your face looks absolutely flawless’. I am not vain; I simply want to look as good as possible as the years elapse. I just want to say an enormous thank you for the subtle improvements you are helping me to achieve.
I am in my late forties and have visited Sarah 3 times now during the last year. I wanted to look younger and feel more confident about myself. I completely trust Sarah’s judgement and recommendations: I know the end result will be natural and not obvious – which was exactly what I wanted. At each visit, I am reassessed and I am never rushed – it is not simply a repeat treatment. Since I began treatments, I have lost count of the number of friends who have said that I “˜look so well’ and yet no-one has ever thought it other than natural. I know Sarah attends conferences and symposia to ensure she stays up to date and can offer her patients the best solutions. I feel so much more self-confident now and I am very grateful to Sarah for being such a calm, reassuring, responsible, considered and safe practitioner. I am delighted with what Sarah has done for me, thank you so much! .

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