To discuss your skin concerns
with Sarah call 0161 928 2210

Successful Ageing

Successful ageing is about our general well-being in older age – mentally, physically and also socially. I believe that looking after ourselves in this way is just as important as looking after our skin.

Here are my top 7 tips for successful ageing-

1. Have a positive attitude in life.


2. Exercise regularly.

exercise balls resized

3. Learn a new skill.

Arrow new skills

4. Find ways to reduce the stress in your life.

Reduce stress

5. Eat healthily. Did yesterday’s meals fit into this food pyramid?

healthy diet

6. Seek & give social support.

social support

7. Keep up to date with the modern world – adapt, be current and relevant to society.

up to date

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If you are interested in our services and would like to know more, simply contact our admin team on 0161 928 2210 to arrange your free, no-obligation consultation with Sarah. Alternatively, email [email protected], and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.