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with Sarah call 0161 928 2210


Approved Dermal Filler Brands

There are hundreds of Dermal Filler brands used in the UK – ensure your practitioner only uses FDA approved Dermal Fillers eg Juvederm. Any doctors who use unapproved fillers are not covered by the Medical Defence Union (MDU) after 1 April 2013. The MDU chose the USA’s FDA list in

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On First Name Terms

Woo hoo I’ve had a letter published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) about how to address your boss or your doc & what patients prefer to be called by their doctor. First name terms all round I reckon. Do you agree? Click here to read the short letter

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Prescription Skin Care Works!

I’m thrilled to show you these pics, with the consent of one of my favourite patients, showing improvement in skin after 4 weeks of prescription skin care from BrightNewMe. I gave a chemical peel 4 weeks ago, immediately after the pic on the right, & then Obagi Nu-Derm creams were

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