What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting® is the leading non-invasive fat-reduction treatment, FDA-approved to treat the underside of the chin, the abdomen, the flanks/sides, thighs, upper arms, bra-fat and the knees.

Am I a suitable candidate?

CoolSculpting is designed to reduce pockets of subcutaneous fat, namely fat that can be pinched. It is ideally suited for areas of the body that retain fat regardless of exercise and a healthy diet. It cannot treat underlying visceral fat, which lies deeper within the body around the internal organs. CoolSculpting can be used in curvier patients to reduce pockets of fat as part of a lifestyle programme, but it is not intended to negate the need for a healthy lifestyle.

How does Coolsculpting work?

A special applicator is applied to the relevant area of the skin, and when engaged this creates a vacuum to draw in fatty tissue. This tissue is then chilled down to minus 11C, the optimum temperature for destroying fat cells.  Once the treated fat cells are destroyed they are naturally processed and eliminated from the body.

Is it safe?

CoolSculpting® has a well-established safety and efficacy profile. It is the only FDA-cleared cryolipolysis fat reduction treatment available in the UK, with a track record of over seven million procedures carried out worldwide. It has an inbuilt, patented safety mechanism called Freeze Detect®, which monitors the temperature of the skin and shuts the system down if the skin gets too cold.

How long does the treatment take?

Treatment is administered in “˜cycles’, with each cycle taking 35-45 minutes. Your appointment will be longer than this, however, to include preparation and finishing time, including post-cycle massage. The number of cycles required will depend on your individualised treatment plan, tailored to your specific goals.

Does it hurt?

The majority of the CoolSculpting process is generally comfortable, with patients able to read or watch something on TV. Because the applicator creates a vacuum on the skin, you may feel some initial pulling, tugging, and/or mild pinching. After a few minutes of the cooling process, the area will feel numb. You can then lie and relax until the 35-45 minute cycle is complete, and the applicator can be removed. The area is then subjected to a rigorous two-minute massage, a process which has been shown to significantly improve the efficacy of treatment. Due to its firmness, the massage will feel uncomfortable, but only during the massage itself.

Do I need to take time off work?

Being a non-surgical procedure, there is little to no downtime with Coolsculpting. However, the treated area(s) may feel somewhat tender and numb for a few days afterwards, and for some, this can persist for up to two weeks. Similarly, the treated areas can bruise, and this can persist for up to two weeks. This does not generally interfere with your daily life. You can exercise as normal.

How long does it take to see results?

Results can sometimes start to show after six weeks, but optimum results are not normally seen until eight to twelve weeks post-treatment.

Is it permanent?

Yes – the body does not normally produce additional fat cells, so the fat cells that are destroyed are gone for good. However, fat cells can change in size, so maintaining a healthy diet is essential for maintaining results.

How much does it cost?

As explained above, CoolSculpting is delivered in ‘cycles’, and the cost of treatment varies according to the number of ‘cycles’ a patient may require for the optimum result. And the number of cycles will be determined by the shape, size, and location of the individual pockets of fat to be targeted. For example, treating the flanks of one patient may require two cycles, possibly overlapping, per flank. On the other hand, a different patient, with a different body shape and different fat pockets, may require just one cycle per flank.

Using the above example, we hope it can be understood that it is not practical to give an indication of likely cost without an in-depth assessment, as we have no way of knowing whether or not the patient’s treatment will involve two or four cycles. We are not the type of clinic to quote a low ‘headline price’ only for the true cost of treatment to rise once the patient has started down their journey. Our approach is to invite patients in for a free assessment, during which their areas of concern will be assessed as part of a hands-on examination. At that stage, we will be able to determine the number of cycles a patient might need to achieve their required result, and provide a definitive ‘cost of treatment’. We then encourage patients to have a ‘cooling-off’ period, to consider their options and come to a decision that is the right one for them, in their own time.

There are economies of scale with treatment, so the ‘cost per cycle’ for CoolSculpting decreases as the number of cycles of treatment increases. So whilst the cost for a single cycle in isolation is £600*, the cost per cycle for a package of cycles is progressively less (and can fall to near £400 for more substantial treatments). As indicated above, an assessment is required to enable us to advise on the number of cycles required and confirm the cost. *Note, during the summer of 2023 we are running a promotion whereby the first cycle costs £500, and the cost per cycle similarly falls for more substantial treatments.

On one final point, as a clinic, we are committed to helping patients maximise and then maintain the effects of CoolSculpting. With this in mind, all patients are encouraged to take advantage of a free advice session we offer (normally £80) with Christine Kenny, our associated Nutritionist. Christine would go through your diet and exercise regime, offering tips and suggestions to ensure you get the most out of your treatment and retain the benefits.  Furthermore, all CoolSculpting patients also receive a complimentary product to assist in post-procedure massage of the area, which has been shown to increase the efficacy of the treatment. The product will be from the ZO range of prescription skin care, retailing at £77.50.

I’m interested – what now?

The next stage would be for you to attend the clinic for an assessment/consultation appointment as discussed above. This would be entirely free and without any obligation. During your consultation, we would invite you to discuss your concerns and aspirations, and we would provide specific advice with regards to what Coolsculpting could do to help. As part of this process, you would be given relevant information regarding the costs of various treatment options available to you.

We encourage all patients to take their time considering their options, and deciding whether or not to proceed with treatment. Should you decide to do so, we will strive to arrange a date and time convenient for you.

Is Ultherapy safe?

Yes, the Ultherapy device has been thoroughly tested and assessed in both the US and Europe.  Furthermore, there have been in excess of one million procedures carried out world-wide, with no significant adverse effects reported.

Which areas can be treated with Ultherapy?

Ultherapy has been FDA approved for treating the upper face (including above the brows), the lower face/jowls, the neck, and the chest/décolletage.

How soon will I see the effects?

There may be an immediate feeling/appearance of “˜lift’ after treatment, due to the initial contraction of collagen, but most of the lifting and toning will take place over 2-3 months, as your body produces new collagen and elastin. As this process continues, further improvement can become apparent up to 6 months following a procedure.

How long will the effects of Ultherapy last?

Patients treated with Ultherapy still have “˜new’ collagen and elastin a year after the procedure, and the results of treatment can last over a year in some patients.  However, the skin does continue to age, so further treatment (eg, after 12-18 months) would be necessary for the effects to be maintained.

Who is Ultherapy suitable for?

Ultherapy candidates would typically be in their thirties or above, with signs of mild to moderate skin laxity (where the skin begins to feel and look less firm). Examples would include a lowered eyebrow line, crows feet, sagging around the jawline/chin, loose skin on the neck, and wrinkles on the chest. It is suitable for all skin types/colours.

Although Ultherapy treats the deeper layers of tissue addressed in cosmetic surgery, to achieve a lifting effect, it will not duplicate the results of a full surgical facelift (which involves removal of excess skin). As such, Ultherapy may not be appropriate for patients with significant laxity of skin, or excess skin.

What does Ultherapy feel like?

Patients are generally aware when each burst of ultrasound energy is delivered, with momentary discomfort.  This indicates that the collagen/elastin-building process has been initiated. The level of discomfort associated with this varies significantly from patient to patient, but we generally recommend that patients take paracetamol and use the anaesthetic cream we provide prior to treatment.

How long will my Ultherapy treatment take?

The length of the treatment will depend on the area(s) being treated and your individual treatment plan. By way of example, a procedure to address the full face typically takes two hours, while treatment just to lift the brow can be completed in 30 minutes.

Are there any side effects of Ultherapy treatment?

There may be slight redness for a few hours following the treatment. It is not uncommon to experience slight swelling, tingling or tenderness to touch for a few days. These side effects are typically mild and short-lived.  You can resume your normal activities immediately, without having to follow any special post-treatment measures.  Less frequently patients experience other short-term effects, such as mild bruising or slight “˜cat scratches’. Very rarely there is a report of small areas of numbness, which typically dissipates over the two weeks following treatment.